For everyone enrolled

From Darwin's 1837 "B" notebook

There are several sources of points that you can earn in this course:

  • Exams The course will offer four 100 point exams. Please take note of the dates of these exams on the Schedule page and plan to be present to take all four exams.
  • Participation A total of 40 points will be derived from participating in activities during lecture. Not every lecture will have associated participation points, and the points will come from a variety of activities. There will probably be more than 40 points offered during the semester, but 40 is the maximum you can earn.
  • Bonus There will be 2-3 bonus exercises offered during the course for a total of 10 possible bonus points. The bonus points you earn can be used to make up for lost points on exams.

Grades will be posted in the My Grades section of HuskyCT.

We do not anticipate “curving” grades at the end of the semester, and no bonus points other than the 10 discussed above will be offered.

Grading scale

The following grading scale applies to all students in EEB 2245. This scale is based on the way UConn calculates your grade point average.

Letter Grade If your overall percentage is greater than or equal to this and your overall percentage is less than this
A 93
A- 90 93
B+ 87 90
B 83 87
B- 80 83
C+ 77 80
C 73 77
C- 70 73
D+ 67 70
D 63 67
D- 60 63
F 0 60

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