Photo of Cactus Garden, Joshua Tree National Park Teddybear Cholla cacti, Cactus Garden, Joshua Tree National Park, California. These plants are well adapted for life in an environment in which water is a very scarce resource.

EEB 2245/2245W (Evolutionary Biology)
Spring 2023

EEB 2245/W is a course in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut. The primary goal of the course is to teach the basic principles of evolutionary biology and the history of life on earth.

Below you will find basic information about the course. Visit the menu items at the top for more information.

Meeting time

The course meets every Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 to 10:45 am in GW002, which is located in the Gant West Building. Few lecture materials will be posted online, so it is important to attend lecture in person. Some activities with associated participation points require you to be physically present in the lecture room.


Jon C. Herron and Scott Freeman. 2013. Evolutionary Analysis. 5th ed. Pearson ISBN-13: 9780321616678 (hardcover), 9780321928160 (loose-leaf), 9780137521029 (eTextbook subscription).

This textbook is available for purchase in the UConn Bookstore.

Evaluations and Grading

Please see the Grading page for details about how your learning will be assessed this semester.


We will use HuskyCT for recording grades and for some other activities.

Assigned readings and activities

Indicated on the lecture schedule.

If you are enrolled in EEB-2245…

Even though you are not enrolled in the W version of the course, you will nevertheless see rows in the HuskyCT My Grades section that pertain only to W students. If you are not in the W version of the course, you need not worry that you have no grade in grade book rows clearly labeled as part of the W course.

If you are enrolled in EEB-2245W…

This web site contains information for the lecture component of the course only. Please see Grading for information related to the W portion of the course.

Important Information

Privacy Statement

For information on managing your privacy at the University of Connecticut, visit the University’s Privacy page. NOTE: This course has NOT been designed for use with mobile devices.